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BGO Software Provides a 2-day Kendo UI seminar in Istanbul

29 Nov 2014 2 min read
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BGO Software The Digital Health Lab
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We at BGO Software strongly believe that success is a two-way street, including giving and getting something in return. In our case, we give valuable solutions and ideas and in exchange we receive recognition. With the software industry being a fast evolving area, it is obviously a field worth tackling. The flow of traded career conceptions lies in the center which determines the progression of one company. There is a number of mutual benefits which lead towards a well-shaped and focused dialogue that transforms every practice into an efficient business. In order to create such ostensible efficacy, we engage with various practices and events that are useful for different organizations, corporations, firms and individually developing people.

One such highly beneficial event was our two-day Kendo UI Seminar which took place in Istanbul, Turkey in November, 27-28, 2014. The training gave the participants an opportunity to delve deeper into the use of Kendo UI library. Being a well-known UI and JavaScript toolset, Telerik’s Kendo UI offers numerous front-end development advantages, including speed, usability and portability across devices. Presenting to attendees all the available tools in the package and how to apply them in an actual project setting, our team of experts enabled the participants to master the use of Kendo UI to achieve maximized performance, much shorter development time and effectively-looking web and mobile projects.


The trainers mixed theory and practice to create a “teaching” method which enabled those who were part of the course to take the most out of the specialists’ expertise, to reinforce their own skills and to enhance their knowledge of the IT sector. After the successful completion of the seminar, participants left the room with more extensive understanding of the basics of Front-end development and the different approaches that can be implemented. Moreover, they learn how to make an informed decision whether HTML5 and Kendo UI is what is needed when choosing the right technology for their projects. Finally, the attendees were taught how to start building Kendo UI-powered applications in a way that will bring not only comfort in terms of cost but also convenience in terms of time.

During the two-day seminar, the trainers talked about a wide spectrum of themes broken into several sections. Thus, the seminar agenda included the following topics:

  • An Overview of Telerik and their portfolio
  • The basics of Front End Development
  • Introduction to Kendo UI
  • Getting started with Kendo Datasource
  • Kendo Mobile and DataViz Overview
  • Setting up ASP.NET Web Forms application with Kendo UI
  • Advanced Data operations with Kendo Datasource Framework
  • The Kendo MVVM Framework
  • Kendo UI Templates and Validation Framework
  • Q&A Session

Before leaving the room, each participant received a certificate of attendance.


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Our team has over 15 years of experience helping health startups, Fortune 100 enterprises, and governments deliver leading healthcare tech solutions.

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